On June 24, 2022, The United State Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade. This decision ended 49

years of federal protection for the right to abortion. Julia Freeman’s You Must be Held confronts this moment

by examining ways that social and political institutions encode, entangle and instrumentalize expressions of

tenderness and expressions of violence.

"Afterglow: Bringing Down The Flowers"
Materials: Collaged photos, hair, rose bush thorns, shells, found materials, fabric, baby rattlesnake skin, mirrors, and placenta print.
In the early 1800's, "bringing down the flowers" was the terminology for a miscarriage or abortion.
Installation shot of "Bringing Down the Flowers"
The photos of the flowers collaged were all flowers given to me by my son.
"Full Pattern" (3x), "Holding Pieces" (3x), "The Bodies" (3x)
"Afterglow: Bringing Down the Flowers" in the back and "Placenta" on the pedestal in the middle of the room
Installation shot
"Full Pattern" (3x), "Holding Pieces" (3x), "The Bodies" (3x), P
In the back right wall "1 Abortion, 3 Miscarriages and Eris" and "Placenta" on the pedestal in the middle of the room
"1 Abortion, 3 Miscarriages" and Eris in collaboration with Eris Freeman
Materials: Sculpey, copper, string, decorative materials on familial tatted fabric
Detail shot of "1 Abortion, 3 Miscarriages and Eris"
Materials: Sculpey, copper, string, decorative materials on familial tatted fabric
Example of the 1/6 combinations of "Full Pattern", "Holding Piece" and "The Bodies"
Detail of 1/6 "Full Pattern"
Collaged sticky foam, picnic tablecloths, duct tape, ribbons, acrylic, markers and paper on frosted acetate, using traditional quilt block patterns
"Holding Piece" 1/6
Fabric dye, acrylic paint on joint compound
"The Bodies" (collaboration with Eris Freeman)
Viewers could choose a necklace and take it home. They were replaced. ERis and I made hundreds so that the installation gallery was full.
Materials: Sculpey, copper, string and decorative materials
"Placenta" in collaboration with doula Cameron Day O’Connell
Materials: Placenta processed into powder form and found glass box and sounds from the playground
Sound/Video to be listened to with the sculpture.
Installation shot with "You Must Be Held" on the farthest wall.
""You Must Be Held"
Materials: Acrylic paint on sanded joint compound
This painting is based off of a crocheted Irish collar and cuffs.
Detail of "You Must Be Held"
As a garment, the collar and cuffs would adorns a body but also holds it in the same place as a detained person.
"The Understudy" by Eris Freeman
Acrylic paint on poster board and sounds from the playground
"The Understudy" was painted by Eris at age 3.5 with the paints used in "You Must Be Held"
"The Understudy"
Sound/Video to be listened to with the painting.